
An innovative approach to DeFi centered around modular building blocks

Buckets.fi is your gateway to creating and investing in "buckets" modules. Whether you're a seasoned investor looking to share your custom DeFi strategies or just starting out and eager to access curated strategies directly, the app helps you to do so. With Buckets Analytics, you can gain unparalleled insights into your buckets with simulation tools, suitability analysis, and risk scoring.

There are several actions you can do in the Buckets App, which can be grouped into two categories. You will find more information on each category in the following pages.

1) Buckets modules: create and invest

  • Create a bucket by selecting a combination of tokens and yield strategies

  • Share a bucket with other users and get rewards as they utilize it

  • Save a bucket as favorite

  • Track the bucket's performance and metrics (see next section)

2) Risk Analytics

  • create and share simulations for a specific bucket by forecasting various aspects related to the bucket, tokens, and market scenarios

  • Track analytics for a bucket, such as the historical performance or current risk metrics

  • Monitor the risk score of a bucket

  • Fill the risk form questionnaire to determine your risk profile

  • Activate the on-chain AI risk profile analysis

  • Identify the buckets opportunities that fit your risk profile

Last updated